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Cool or Cosy brings together LG Chem, the world’s largest supplier of Lithium-ion batteries and SolarEdge, the world’s number 1 supplier of residential inverters, to give you what we believe is the market’s most versatile residential solar storage solution.
SolarEdge Inverters
Modern homes adopting solar storage systems typically need larger solar systems to meet their needs and ensure the battery gets charged. SolarEdge Inverters enable larger systems, through efficient use of all available roof space and unprecedented design flexibility, coping with shade, multiple orientations and allowing easy future expansion.
SolarEdge’s StorEdge Backup inverter increases energy independence for homeowners by utilising a single inverter directly connected to the panels and an LG Chem battery to store and supply power as needed. To optimise self-consumption, the battery is automatically charged and discharged to meet consumption needs and reduce the amount of power purchased from the grid.
StorEdge inverters connect directly with the LG Chem RESU H battery offering excellent efficiency, the addition 1 or 2 LG Chem RESU 10H batteries fully integrated monitoring, ability to oversize PV array, black-out protection and black start capabilities.